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Changes 2007-08-18 18:54:18
Server 1
The following changes/bugfixes concerning naval battles have been applied:

- Building an emergency mast now only costs 2% of the ships HP per round (total 6% per mast)
- Reduction of ships speed due to lost masts during battle now works
- Chance of hitting masts was halved
No title 2007-08-26 12:23:49
Server 2
Changes on S2:

The honor system was simplified. From now on, only the score of the players (+10% of the score of their allies) is taken into account. Diplomatic relations don't affect honor calculation anymore.

The number of days, after which inactive players are deleted during wars was increased to 20 (resulting in the same amount of ticks as the 10 days on S1).

Changes on S1 and S2:

The number of ticks, after which the fields of a conquered enemy become neutral ruins, was increased from 72 to 100.

*** This text was edited at 2007-08-26 12:24:18 by klony.
No title 2007-10-07 15:09:03
Server 1
Changes of S1:

The honour calculation was simplified to take all alliance partners with 10 % of their score into account. This is the same honour calculation as used on S2 in the current age there.
No title 2007-12-02 14:15:06
Server 1
General changes (both servers)

1) Fields belonging to the loot of any player are now labeled in red for all players. This way, fields that can't be conquered are marked explicitely. Players, whose loot the fields belong to, will see the usual shield with the honour costs above the fields.

Changes on S1

1) Calculation of honour costs were adjusted for this age. We hope this will adress the problems in the gaming experience. For calculating the honour costs the points of attacker and defender are calculated as follows: towards the points of the player these points are added: 50% of the points of all partners in his or her alliance that are at war with the same enemy and 10% of the points of all partners in the alliance that are not at war with that enemy. This system is now a combination of the old calculation system and the system introduced last age. We expect this to provide us with the advantages of both systems: dynamic honour calculation of waring parties and inclusion of a general alliance effect.

2) If a war is canceled, all concurring wars towards the alliance partners of the enemy have to be canceled. This applies only to wars, in which the player is the attacker, of course. We expect this to end the gaming strategy of declaring war against a whole alliance but waging the war only against the weakest member of the alliance.

3) To encourage the formation of alliances, we now introduce a two-step system in the bonuses achievable by trade agreements and scientific collaborations. The maximum bonus achievable by contracts between players that are not in the same alliance is 13%. In addition, a player receives 4% bonus for each partner in the alliance (irrespective of the partner's size). This way a player in a full alliance can still achieve 25% of bonus

No title 2007-12-16 14:11:33
Server 2
Changes on S2:

Only the player who has declared war at first can also end it. If an opponent accepts a declaration of war he can reduce the distance to the beginning of the war down to eight ticks - provided the diplomatic status before was peace or non-aggression pact - but he cannot end the war himself.

Furthermore, changes 2007-12-02 14:15:06 (honour, cancellation of war and bonus for trade & science) now also apply to S2.
No title 2007-12-30 13:24:26
Server 1
Changes on S 2:

Fog of War

Fog of War is (experimentally) put into practice on server 2

It has the following purpose:
All fields, which were seen once, even if they are not in the point of view at the moment (e.g. ship exploration), are shown as grey fields with the fieldtype. So you can see a grey sea, a grey mountain, ….
But only the basic information about the field type is shown, so you can not see who ist the owner of the land or which building is on the field.
Fog of War is activated now and works from now on, but it is not retroactive.

In the menue under settings - map mode - you find the possibility to choose between old and new map engine.

Have fun!

LaL Team

*** This text was edited at 2007-12-30 14:19:21 by Hamilton.
No title 2008-02-02 21:57:42
Server 2
Fog of war and the new rule about cancellation of war now also apply to S1.
Details please see manual: "changes and News".
No title 2008-03-22 16:41:34
Server 3
From now on you can write and send messages also during the Ticks.
New on Server 3 2008-03-29 23:44:15
Server 2
1. New regulation for maximum possible honour-loss re-calculation in case of alliance entry:

* Upon joining into an alliance the maximum possible honour-loss for each war concerning that ally is re-calculated.
* If a member of the alliance is the aggressor in that war, his/her maximum honour-loss is re-calculated and set to the new value. That means, that the maximum possible honour-loss may be increased for the aggressor in a running war if any new partner joins his/her alliance - even if that partner does not take part in the war!
* If a member of the alliance is a defender, the maximum honour-loss for the enemy (aggressor) in that war is re-calculated. If that new value results in a lower maximum honour-loss for the aggressor, it replaces the former maximum honour-loss. If the new value is higher than the old value, the old value remains. That means, that the situtation can only get better for the aggressor in a war, if his enemy joins an ally!

The new maximum honour-losses are re-calculated based on the regular honour calculations taking into account the new alliance members. Accordingly, for honour calculation in a given war, 50% of the points of each alliance-partner also at war with the same enemy are added towards the points of the player and 10% of each alliance-partner not at war with that enemy.

There are warnings at the time of offering and entry into the alliance.

Please note that the maximum possible honour-loss is not re-calculated if a member leaves an alliance!

Please note also, that these changes affect the maximum possible honour-loss in a war. The actuall honour-loss during when conquering a field is calculated for each field a-new based on the current points of the combatants. This actual honour-loss may be less than the maximum possible honour less, but will never be higher than it.

For further information of the honour system please refer to the manual.

The former rank-based restrictions in forming alliances (liege must have at least same rank as the vassal) has been removed. This allows more flexibility in building the alliance.

*** This text was edited at 2008-03-30 20:46:23 by Sven.

*** This text was edited at 2008-03-30 20:55:36 by Sven.
No title 2008-04-13 15:31:51
Server 3
Changes for next ages on S1 and S2:

Under "Train Army" you can select the maximal honor loss you are willing to endure when conquering territories. If the honor loss would be higher than the selected value, your army does not attack. This will prevent unwanted honor loss from "accidentially" captured fields.

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